Javier Pacheco

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Denote silo function

I have been reading some thing information about denote, and its powerful tools that the good prots give to us the mortals. I am starting this "post" thing, and is good to have my notes apart from the posts that I'm going to write in the future, so reading I find a interesting function that prots suggest to use in the creation of notes.

Use custom commands to select a silo.

As you can read in the tittle, prots creates this singular elsip function, that prompts for a entry point directory and then a denote function.

The Silo funcitons:

First part of the function:

Define a list of directories. This is very convenient, because whit this I can separate my notes directory of my posts directory:

(defvar my-denote-silo-directories
    ;; You don't actually need to include the `denote-directory' here
    ;; if you use the regular commands in their global context.  I am
    ;; including it for completeness.
  "List of file paths pointing to my Denote silos.
  This is a list of strings.")

Then define a list of the denote commands that usually I use:

(defvar my-denote-commands-for-silos
  "List of Denote commands to call after selecting a silo.
  This is a list of symbols that specify the note-creating
  interactive functions that Denote provides.")

The Silo Command in action:

(defun my-denote-pick-silo-then-command (silo command)
  "Select SILO and run Denote COMMAND in it.
  SILO is a file path from `my-denote-silo-directories', while
  COMMAND is one among `my-denote-commands-for-silos'."
   (list (completing-read "Select a silo: " my-denote-silo-directories nil t)
         (intern (completing-read
                  "Run command in silo: "
                  my-denote-commands-for-silos nil t))))
  (let ((denote-user-enforced-denote-directory silo))
    (call-interactively command)))

The complete functions:

(defvar my-denote-silo-directories
    ;; You don't actually need to include the `denote-directory' here
    ;; if you use the regular commands in their global context.  I am
    ;; including it for completeness.
  "List of file paths pointing to my Denote silos.
  This is a list of strings.")

(defvar my-denote-commands-for-silos
  "List of Denote commands to call after selecting a silo.
  This is a list of symbols that specify the note-creating
  interactive functions that Denote provides.")

(defun my-denote-pick-silo-then-command (silo command)
  "Select SILO and run Denote COMMAND in it.
  SILO is a file path from `my-denote-silo-directories', while
  COMMAND is one among `my-denote-commands-for-silos'."
   (list (completing-read "Select a silo: " my-denote-silo-directories nil t)
         (intern (completing-read
                  "Run command in silo: "
                  my-denote-commands-for-silos nil t))))
  (let ((denote-user-enforced-denote-directory silo))
    (call-interactively command)))

Now whit these couple of functions we can have a better way to take our notes, posts, and other denote related things.

So, for now it's all, I was able to write this post within emacs and this silo function that protesilaos provide to us, so, Thank you prot.


Protesilaos web page
3.5.1. Use custom commands to select a silo

Date: 2023-12-25 Mon 21:34

Emacs 29.3 (Org mode 9.6.15)